In October 2018….
- 8 babies were enrolled, including 4 orphans, 1 set of triplets, and one newborn whose mother was critically ill.
- 6 recently delivered moms were enrolled (their birth experiences include: eclampsia, pulmonary edema, ruptured uterus, and severe infection)
- Nurses conducted 149 visits to beneficiaries.
A Woman’s Story. Lonely Harold was enrolled in October. She was 20 years old and pregnant with her first baby. She started labor at home and then made her way to a health center. When it became clear that the labor was not progressing, she was sent to the district’s maternity referral hospital. At some point her baby girl died inside of her, but it was not until after her c-section that she learned that she would not return home with a baby at her breast. While still in the operating room, Lonely experienced a heart attack and required resuscitation, her lungs filled with fluid and she was sent to recover in the ICU. Twenty days later she was discharged home without her baby.
A Baby’s Story. Tikhale was 23 years old. Her first baby was a stillbirth. Her second labor was difficult and finally, on October 10th, resulted in a c-section. Her newborn daughter was distressed and needed resuscitation but they were both discharged home in stable condition after a few days. Several days later Tikhale returned complaining of stomach pain, she was hospitalized and given a transfusion. She stayed in the hospital for two weeks and died there. The woman who took in her baby, named her Memory and was referred to Joyful Motherhood for support.