- This month 9 babies were enrolled, all of whom are orphans.
- Nurses visited 140 babies during this month.
- A total of 241 enrolled babies are currently enrolled.
- 300 tins of formula were distributed to infants without access to breastmilk.
- One well loved 7-month old girl died of malaria.
- 6 postpartum women were enrolled this month (1 with severe anemia, 2 with eclampsia, and 2 with a history of ruptured uterus and hysterectomy)
- We are following 28 women.
Lofina Kingsely was enrolled in our program at three months when her mother suddenly stopped producing breast milk. With the supplemental formula and home visits, Lofina was growing into a healthy toddler. On May 1st she became violently ill. She was diagnosed with malaria and treated at the local health center. When there was no improvement in her condition, Lofina was transferred to the district hospital. Tragically, despite additional treatment, Lofina died from malaria on May 3rd.
Charity Malota was one of our new baby admissions in June. Charity’s 18-year old mother attended regular prenatal care and went to the hospital when she felt labor pains increase take hold and increase in intensity. Charity, a small but healthy baby boy was born on 25 February. And after a few days, mother and son were discharged home in good health. On June 11th Charity’s mother complained of a severe headache and went to lie down. Providers presumed that Charity had cerebral malaria, within an hour his mother had died. Relatives who knew about Joyful Motherhood escorted the guardian and baby to our office. It is our mission to ensure that despite the tragedy this little life continues to grown and thrive.
Annie Yakobo is a 22 year old who was admitted this month. The delivery of her second child was difficult and she ended up with a c-section. Several days later her abdomen became very swollen and pus started leaking from the incision. When she was returned to theatre they found her uterus was already necrotic and the clinicians proceeded with a total hysterectomy. Annie is alive but still very weak, she was discharged home to a very poor environment, and will need to continue to administer to her wound for sometime. Her baby girl’s life is at risk, simply because her mother is ill. Joyful Motherhood will be present to help see them through this difficult time.